Sunday, October 14, 2012


I have had the discussion come up recently with friends on such topics as practicing lunar witchcraft. To put a scientific yet simultaneously metaphysical (and in my opinion, pretty awesome) explanation with it, consider the following:
All in the universe is energy/vibration. Scientists have shown this on a quantum level. Even that which would appear to be solid is actually made up of tiny vibrating particles that basically vibrate fast enough they repel any intrusion into their space.
However, this means that on that same teeny-weeny level the entire universe is connected. There is no empty space.
One might now suspect that what we term electro-magnetic energy is on this subatomic level just pressure.
The human body can only either pull or not pull. Our muscles may give us the ability to direct force away from our bodies, but ask any doctor and they will tell you that no muscle pushes.

The cosmos works on this principle as well, but opposite. Forces can only push, they can't pull.
This push and pull phenomena argues, in my humble opinion, that by being in harmonic attunement to our environment (and all forms of intelligence with which we interact [knowingly or not]) we are in a synergistic relationship with the world and each other rather than a parasitic one. We have very well learned how to sustain living in a hell-consciousness; it is time we utilize whatever beneficial help available to us, pull our bootstraps up, grab our wands, crystals, yoga mats, or whatever else we may prefer and do so with gratitude. (More on the specifics of what I mean by gratitude as well as why it's important at a later time.)

Back to the moon magic. Astrological correspondences are energies; the effects of which have been studied by astrologers throughout history. They are subject to reinterpretation and differences of opinion because they are practiced scientifically. These astrological people (including Witches) are very fond of experimentation as they utilize these energies to assist them in accomplishing a goal.

One must understand, however, that no person needs this assistance to accomplish these things. The power is within you at all times. This is reflected particularly in the native Hawaiian Huna spirituality. (More on Huna later...I've got some really awesome stuff to share I found!)

"Using the moon facilitates the working,
But the working can be done just as well without it.
Now is the moment of power. "

When the need arises, trust your subconscious to make the right decision based upon the effect of being vibrationally attuned to the energies around you. This is at-one-ment, from which we created the word atonement. We must never forget that language itself is spellwork.

-Cairne Oleander

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