I chose to meditate tonight upon Aradia, the Goddess of Witches. There was a neat statue that came up as one of my first search results; it has a really awesome blurb about her.
I'm beginning to glean bits of wisdom for a book I will leave to my descendants if not share with the world. Nothing claiming any sense of grandeur; just my thoughts, analysis, and advice.
Life has taught me that as I am connected to my immediate surroundings more intimately than I am the rest of creation it facilitates readjustment to remove all charms, talismans, amulets, charged objects, and cleanse your things and self to a neutral energetic state. Once realligned vibrationally/energetically/spiritually, your tools (including your physical senses) are able to adapt to the new information from the new surroundings.
The cleansing is kind of like deleting the files on a memory card so that it can be reused.
Removing those a/effects from your own self could accompany a simple ritual to focus on that which is inner and/or unchanging.
Also a great time for a charmed spa treatment! Detox your pores and your spirit! :)
I watched a documentary on The Burning Times the other day. I get so worked up over that stuff. There are times when I just research and have my researcher's hat on, but sometimes I feel like I can see the faces, hear the voices, and feel the pain of those who were lost. This is half of why I looked up Aradia tonight. I have always called myself a Witch because regardless of the type, I practice Witchcraft. I even considered myself a bit of a Christian Witch when I was a younger man. Yes, folks(if anybody is reading this), I'm a man. And yes, I was a Christian. I'm from Alabama and have always been naturally inclined to philosophy, creativity, art, spirituality, and nature. If there had been a more nurturing environment I likely would have followed my own path. Instead I followed the only one I knew was acceptable. My opinion on Christianity, if it is not obvious, is nonetheless irrelevant. Follow your truth, but never stop questioning it for it is by doing so that you deepen your understanding of truth.
(GaiamTV.com is awesome, by the way!)
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